Companies against domestic violence: final event for the CEASE project
On 20th of November 2019, the CEASE project aiming to implicate companies against domestic violence will come to an end. On this occasion, we will share best practices as well as institutionnal advances on the subject !
This conference will be an opportunity to :
- Present the CEASE project : its creations, results and influence.
- Reflect on the consequences of domestic violence in the workplace.
- Share the experiences and good practices of companies surpporting their employees victims of domestic violence in Belgium, France and Greece.
- Expose the institutionnal development on this topic.
Many stakeholders will be present : companies, grassroots associations, public authorities, experts...
When ? Wednesday, the 20th of November, from 8.30am to 2pm.
Where ? At Smart, Rue Coenraets 72, (access by metro 2&6 and tram 3&3, stop "Gare du midi" or "Porte de Hal").
Co-funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program (2014-2020), the CEASE project is coordinated by 4 partner organizations :
- FACE - Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion, France
- DIESIS, Belgium
- CSR Hellas, Greece
Rue Coenraets 72