Reception of Unaccompanied Minors in Europe: the importance of multi-actor collaboration Join us for a discussion on the opportunities and challenges of interprofessional collaboration in the reception and inclusion of unaccompanied min Read more about Reception of Unaccompanied Minors in Europe: the importance of multi-actor collaboration
The reception of LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees in Europe Two years after the launch of the Rainbow Welcome! Read more about The reception of LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees in Europe
A campaign to raise awareness of the specific issues and needs of LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees Read more about A campaign to raise awareness of the specific issues and needs of LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and refugees
Free resources to (re)mobilize people who are far from employment POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS and its partners in the ReSolution project are pleased to inform you that the digital learning platform (MOOC) is accessible Read more about Free resources to (re)mobilize people who are far from employment
Het onthaal van LGBTQIA+-asielzoekers in België verbeteren In het kader van het project, dat mede gefinancierd wordt door de Cel Gelijke kansen van de FOD Justitie, POUR LA SOLIDARITE-PLS publiceert een stu Read more about Het onthaal van LGBTQIA+-asielzoekers in België verbeteren
Joint Statement against Gendered Islamophobia towards the European Institutions Currently, EU anti-discrimination legislation beyond the spheres of employment, occupational and vocational training only applies to sex and racial Read more about Joint Statement against Gendered Islamophobia towards the European Institutions
Verbetering van de opvang van LGBTQIA+-vluchtelingen in België Naar aanleiding van de Internationale dag van de mensenrechten en in het kader van het Rainbow Welcome-project, dat mede gefinancierd wordt door de Read more about Verbetering van de opvang van LGBTQIA+-vluchtelingen in België
Identifying and (re)mobilising people far from employment in Europe: challenges and good practices Register! Read more about Identifying and (re)mobilising people far from employment in Europe: challenges and good practices
4 ONE ANOTHER - Supporting the inclusion of unaccompanied minors Project The "4 ONE ANOTHER" project aims to support the development of training for professionals working with Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFMs). Read more about 4 ONE ANOTHER - Supporting the inclusion of unaccompanied minors
School dropout and intersectionality: the Crossroads project Project School dropout is a multifactorial and multidimensional phenomenon for which POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS has been working o Read more about School dropout and intersectionality: the Crossroads project
ReSolution: training to (re)mobilise people far from employment Project Faced with an increased difficulty for European actors in charge of social or professional support for people who are far from employment, the ReSo Read more about ReSolution: training to (re)mobilise people far from employment
CHANGE OF VIEW: renew the methods of supporting vulnerable groups Project The European project CHANGE OF VIEW aims to renew the methods of supporting vulnerable groups, particularly in the remobilisation phase, the first Read more about CHANGE OF VIEW: renew the methods of supporting vulnerable groups