Funded by Erasmus+, the APTE (A pathway to employment) project aims to support young people with few or no qualifications as well as adults over 45 in their search for employment, while enabling the social economy sector to expand in line with the objectives of sustainable development.
With the COVID-19 health crisis, young people are among the populations most affected by unemployment as they enter a largely unstable labour market. Young people with few qualifications are even more affected as they may depend on more precarious jobs. Job seekers over 45 also encounter difficulties caused by the reluctance of some employers, particularly due to their age, or their many years of experience, which may cost the employer more.
The APTE project aims to enable young people with few or no qualifications as well as adults over 45 looking for a job to be socially and professionally inserted thanks to an innovative programme. The mixing of these two groups allows for the creation of intergenerational links through mutual mentoring, but also, since they are looking for work, to help them discover a sector and professions of the future. This programme will focus in particular on discovering and learning about the social and sustainable economy, both in theory through workshops and in practice through involvement with associations. By offering mentoring, pro bono missions and learning modules, we hope to open up their field of possibilities, increase their awareness of their skills and facilitate their access to employment in promising sectors.
APTE's general objective is to guide young people with few qualifications and jobseekers over 45 towards jobs related to the social and sustainable economy, by identifying, developing and sharing skills with associations and non-profit organisations in this sector. More specifically, the project aims to :
raise awareness on the sector and the jobs in the social and sustainable economy
develop tools to offer relevant pathways to employment for job seekers
facilitate cooperation for employment
connect different generations of jobseekers
help participants to identify their own skills and find a job or a training a few months later
Target groups
Job seekers (young people with few or no qualifications and over 45)
Field associations and institutions supporting jobseekers
Associations and non-profit organisations working in the social and sustainable economy
This project involves 5 partners from 4 European countries :
- Pro bono lab, Coordinateur du projet, (France)
- Groupe one (Belgique)
- Pour La Solidarité (Belgique)
- Work For Social, Trabaja Para El Cambio Social (Espagne)
- Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány (Hongrie)
Read more:
MentorYou : le mentorat vers l'emploi des chercheur·euse·s d'emploi à Bruxelles
Toute l'actu de APTE :
Parcours vers l'emploi, partagez votre expérience !
APTE, c'est parti pour la première promotion !
Être à la fois mentee et mentor ? C'est possible !
APTE : Le mentorat réciproque pour reprendre confiance en soi !
APTE : Dernière ligne droite, pour ce parcours vers l’emploi